Gabriel, a federal agent has had a troubled personal life, despite being a talented and highly decorated agent. Things are about to change in a major way, when Gabriel is faced with a choice. Continue on the straight and narrow, or take a ride down a dark path of corruption, crime and no return.
Director: Kendrick Ramon McLin
Kendrick has been a creative since 17 years of age. He’s been writing skits and short films since he was 15 years old. He began creating short films back in 2019. He’s created 5 total short films. Bad Day: Good Man Gone Bad, is the 1st project He’s entered into the Film Festivals. As a martial artist of over 2 decades, Kendrick loves to create films and stories that involve martial arts action. Kendrick is also very comedic and jovial in his personality, because of that, he enjoys injecting subtle humor into his productions.