Best Animated Film

Award Winner InheritanceDirected by: allen wing loon kai Exceptional Achievement 10 x 10 – I just want to ride alongsideDirected by: Chun Hay Au-Yeung, Ka Yee Tse

Best Composer

Award Winner Sleep is My Only ReliefComposed by: Karen Braysher

Best Actor

Award Winner Derrick MagnumBest Actor: Christian Rushing

Best Script or Screenplay

Exceptional Achievement Seoul ’88Written by: Jennifer D’Angelo Kircher, Nancy Stearns Bercaw Exceptional Achievement The Insidious Impact of AntonWritten by: David Hilder Exceptional Achievement THE TESLA EFFECTWritten by: Laurence P Stevens, Matthew L Stevens Award Winner Making NewsWritten by: Felicity Fair Thompson Finalist Forever His WifeWritten by: Bianca Harrison, Catalina Lowe Finalist ARTIFICIAL ANGELSWritten by: Matthew […]

Best Student Film

Exceptional Achievement HolesDirected by: Sam Godber Award Winner L’amour est temps de refletsDirected by: Yann Richebourg Finalist The WaitDirected by: Adrija’ Kundu Finalist Trinity BrokenDirected by: Bradley Eric Nichols

Best Short Film

Exceptional Achievement FORMATIONDirected by: Vesely Marek Exceptional Achievement Love In SpaceDirected by: Jordan Tofalo Award Winner The Roots That ClutchDirected by: Stef Prein, Arlo Laibowitz Finalist InheritanceDirected by: allen wing loon kai Finalist CheaterDirected by: Reese Morgan Finalist Derrick MagnumDirected by: Jeffrey Scott Richards Finalist I Will Always Loathe YouDirected by: Jasmine Bowman Finalist Cherzoso […]